- Universidad Piloto de Colombia
- Trabajos de grado - Pregrado
- Facultad Ciencias Sociales y Empresariales
- Negocios Internacionales
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Plan de marketing internacional para exportar filete de trucha arco iris a Canadá
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Rodríguez Rodríguez, Alejandra
Mora Sarmiento, Heidy Lizeth
Manrique Ramos, Mabel / Asesora
Show full item recordAbstract
Se identificó una opción de negocio en el sector acuícola de Colombia, dado que el país cuenta con abundantes recursos hídricos y el clima es propicio para la etapa de desovación y crecimiento de la trucha Arco Iris con lo cual Canadá no cuenta, esto se debe a los drásticos cambios de temperatura que experimenta a lo largo del año, lo que influye negativamente en su producción de trucha.
Por lo anterior, se decidió crear un plan de marketing internacional para exportar filete de trucha Arco Iris congelado a Canadá, el cual está dirigido específicamente a empresas comercializadoras y distribuidoras de pescado, que tengan una visión futurista de la oportunidad de negocio que se presenta en la investigación.
Para este proyecto se requiere una inversión inicial de $356.565.793 COP, el 70% de esta inversión será de capital privado (inversionista) por un valor de $ 249.596.055 COP y el 30% restante derivado de un crédito por un valor de $106.969.737. La viabilidad del proyecto está sustentada a partir de un análisis financiero de las variables más relevantes: TIR del 21%, un VNA de $107.265.923 COP y una utilidad neta de $27.183.150 COP para el primer año. Country has abundant water resources and the climate is conducive to the stage of growth and development of rainbow trout, which Canada does not count on, this is due to the drastic changes in temperature that it experiences throughout the year, which influences Negatively in their production of trout.
Therefore, it was decided to create an international marketing plan to export frozen rainbow trout fillet to Canada, which is specifically aimed at fish marketing companies and distributors, who have a futuristic vision of the business opportunity presented in the investigation.
For this project an initial investment of $ 356,565,793 is required, 70% of this investment will be private capital (investor) for a value of $ 249,596,055 COP and the remaining 30% derived from a loan for a value of $ 106,969 .737. The feasibility of the project is based on a financial analysis of the most relevant variables: IRR of 21%, a NPV of COP 107,265,923 and a net profit of COP 27,183,150 for the first year.
Country has abundant water resources and the climate is conducive to the stage of growth and development of rainbow trout, which Canada does not count on, this is due to the drastic changes in temperature that it experiences throughout the year, which influences Negatively in their production of trout.
Therefore, it was decided to create an international marketing plan to export frozen rainbow trout fillet to Canada, which is specifically aimed at fish marketing companies and distributors, who have a futuristic vision of the business opportunity presented in the investigation.
For this project an initial investment of $ 356,565,793 is required, 70% of this investment will be private capital (investor) for a value of $ 249,596,055 COP and the remaining 30% derived from a loan for a value of $ 106,969 .737. The feasibility of the project is based on a financial analysis of the most relevant variables: TIR of 21%, VNA of COP 107,265,923 and a net profit of COP 27,183,150 for the first year.
- Negocios Internacionales [390]