- Universidad Piloto de Colombia
- Trabajos de grado - Pregrado
- Facultad de Ciencias Humanas
- Psicología
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Discursos construidos por madres cabeza de familia en torno a la identidad laboral en el contexto del trabajo informal
Martínez Bolívar, Sandra Milena
Rodríguez Ramos, Ángela Viviana
Vásquez Garzón, Yaneth
García Álvarez, Claudia María / Asesora
Show full item recordAbstract
Este trabajo de investigación busca identificar los discursos construidos por tres madres cabeza de familia en torno a la identidad del contexto de trabajo informal; para lo cual se realizaron entrevistas a profundidad estructuradas a manera de historias de vida laboral, las cuales permiten dar cuenta de cómo estas mujeres construyen sus identidades y han sido plasmadas en 5 categorías. A partir del análisis de los resultados se concluye que éstas madres van construyendo un esquema de vida con identidades precarias debido a las condiciones propias de un trabajo inestable con bajo nivel de capacitación laboral y pocas oportunidades y garantías, así como que no elevan ni forman su autoestima, reforzando relaciones afectivas con parejas poco responsables y continuos fracasos. A descriptive study, which sought to identify the identities built by mothers heads of household who work in the context of informality, it is through a select sampling convenience three individuals, because they were taken as reference two characteristics: be the first head of household mother and the second informal workers. We take it as a tool to build depth interview with the story of working life for each of the participants and was used as a technical analysis of speech, placing in the matrix of meaning categorization of speeches made by each of the mothers headed households, it was concluded that the word is precarious, because of its low level of job training and few opportunities presented to them. For this reason these mothers are building a scheme with identities precarious laves, their jobs do not raise their self-esteem or form, the type of work or contracting that have is very unstable, their jobs are almost always short-term, with little or no collateral in terms of social security, in most cases, these mothers headed households have relationships with partners shortly responsible and continuing failures that make gradually their role as a woman and as a worker weakening.
- Psicología [524]